Archived Home Page Articles
These former Home Page articles are somewhat dated. They have been archived to this page and will eventually be deleted.
Douglass Ranch Drive Fire Mitigation
Douglass Ranch Drive Firewise mitigation has been completed for 2017.
The effort was worked in two separate stages: tree and shrub trimming and cutting on Saturday July 1st and chipping on Wednesday July 5th.
The trimming and cutting effort was performed by nine neighborhood volunteers. In addition a number of neighbors mitigated trees on their own lots which added significantly to the success of the overall effort. After the day's effort was completed, a lunch was hosted by Mary Sosnowski. Our thanks to Mary for the welcome hospitality!
The chipping effort was performed with the assistance of the Jefferson Country Fire Management Team: Arron Betcher, Brendon Jackson and Patrick Taggart. There were eight neighborhood volunteers who assisted in feeding the chipper. Joan Grawe kindly supplied Subway sandwiches to the group. The sandwiches were unexpected and a welcome treat. Our thanks to Joan for welcome relief on a hot day!
Firewise BBQ / Educational Outreach at Douglass Ranch
A Firewise BBQ on Saturday June 17th at the home of Dave and Marie Sanders was attended by about 27 people. The BBQ served as a way to meet new and old neighbors and also as a Firewise Educational Outreach event. A number of Firewise pamphlets and DVDs were offered for further reading and viewing.
Tom Washburn presented a wildfire threat map that merged several sources. The merged map showed areas of Severe Wildfire Hazard and a recommended fuel break with identification of impacted lots in the neighborhood.
The presentation and subsequent discussion lasted about an hour. Audience participation was lively.
Hosting a Firewise Educational Outreach event/activity is part of the Firewise process.
Wildfire Hazard Map for Douglass Ranch
A Wildfire Hazard Map for Douglass Ranch was created using information the in DR Official Development Plan (ODP), .Jeffco's ASPIN system, Google Earth aerial view, and Elk Creek Fire Department's Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).
The map can be viewed here.
The completion of this effort will be followed by completion and submittal of a Firewise Community application for Douglass Ranch.
Upcoming fuel mitigation along Douglass Ranch Drive was discussed. Several homeowners have been mitigating their property – far from the roadside – which is to be highly commended.
Mitigation along Douglass Ranch Drive fulfills a Firewise Community requirement for a “Firewise Day” event where the community puts a Firewise plan to action. It also adds labor time to the community’s “Per Capita Mitigation Investment” - a Firewise attribute that sums all community mitigation effort.
The Douglass Ranch website has new Firewise pages containing videos and downloadable pamphlets.
Firewise Educational Meeting
The Douglass Ranch Firewise Committee is sponsoring a Defensible Space informational presentation by Aaron Betcher, Jefferson County Fire Management Officer.
The presentation will be at the Elk Creek Elementary school Tuesday evening October 16 from 7:00 to 8:30.
Annual Meeting
9/24/18, updated 9/28
The Douglass Ranch Board of Directors is planning on an Annual Board meeting on Wednesday November 7th at the Meadow Creek B&B from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.
Shaded Fuel Break Proposed
The Firewise Committee discussed shaded fuels breaks on Monday, 3/6/18. Shaded fuel breaks are recommended for Douglass Ranch in two documents:
Implementing shaded fuel breaks requires expertise to plan and to implement. In other words funding is needed to make shaded fuel breaks for the neighborhood.
The consensus was to propose a way forward to the DR Board of Directors and seek a means to fund such a task. An email was sent to the Board on Wednesday 3/7/18 which you can read here.
As of this writing, no decisions have been made.
Firewise at Douglass Ranch
3/27/17, 4/14/17 updated
A Douglass Ranch Firewise Community exploratory meeting was held Monday, 3/27/17, at the Washburn residence with good attendance.
Discussion focused on the neighborhood's interest in establishing a Firewise Community. Homeowner and community-level mitigation ideas were part of the discussion.
A set of slides presented at the meeting are available here.
Minutes of the meeting can be viewed here.
DR Firewise Page
5/10/17, updated 6/17/17
New Douglass Ranch Firewise Community web site pages are here.
A new Wildfire Hazard map can be found here.
Jeffco P&Z Announces Pond Grading Permit
A recent mailing from Jeffco Planning and Zoning described a Grading Permit application for a permanent pond on the Podd property to the east of Douglass Ranch POA.
Some additional details, including a site plan, are available at the Jeffco P&Z permit search web page.
The case number is 17-132195GP.
Glenelk No Trespass Request
The Glenelk Association has requested compliance to their no trespass policy.
The Glenelk borders may be viewed on this map.
Douglass Ranch Firewise Recognition
Douglass Ranch was recently designated a Firewise Community by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) based on our community and resident fire mitigation efforts this year.
The designation signifies that the community is aware of the potential for wildfire and has proactively worked at reducing the impact of wildfire. This last summer the residents worked together to remove roadside vegetation along DR Drive. Additionally a number of residents made significant efforts at clearing their land of brush and tree overgrowth. Several residents made enough of an effort to request a re-evaluation of their property's wildfire risk assessment rating.
At least one insurance company (USAA) offers a rate reduction for the Firewise designation.
A Firewise community is no small achievement. Keeping the designation requires annual mitigation efforts by homeowners and by the neighborhood at large.
A long term plan (aka: multi-year action plan) was submitted with the Firewise application. Next year's goals are mitigation along the roadside of private drives and a vigorous start at a shaded fuel break on either the east or west side of the neighborhood.
Look for the Firewise recognition sign to be displayed near the entrance to Douglass Ranch this spring.
DR Firewise Committee Meeting
The first 2018 meeting of the Douglass Ranch Firewise Committee was held on Thursday, May 3rd.
The renewal of Firewise status for Douglass Ranch was discussed. Neighborhood 'educational outreach' and 'mitigation' efforts need to be completed.
Minutes from the meeting can be viewed here.
DR Enforcement Policy Amended
The Enforcement Policy for Douglass Ranch POA has been amended as of 21 March 2018.
The Policy's fine structure has been revised. The amended Policy is available here.