Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 6:00 PM

I. Call to Order
a. Roll call to identify all virtual attendees for official record.
b. Meeting is recorded through Teams. By attending the meeting members consent to recording.
II. Approval of the Agenda
III. Approval of the Last Meeting Minutes
IV. Reports
a. Officers and standing committees
i. Treasurer
ii. Roads & Grounds
b. Reports from Special Committees:
i. None
V. Unfinished Business
a. Select terms for each board member
i. Each current board member to be assigned a two-year term or a three-year term
VI. New Business
a. Presentation of draft budget
b. Board ratification of budget
VII. Open Forum
a. Questions on budget
VIII. Adjournment
Please join the meeting from your computer,
tablet, or smartphone.
