Online Meeting, Tonight, October 12 at 6:00 PM

Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of the Agenda
III. Approval of the Minutes
VI. Reports of officers and standing committees:
Treasurer's Report | Todd Williams
Association 2023 Annual assessment fee increase proposal
Storm Water-Pond Report | Todd Williams
Pond completion update
Roads & Grounds | Veris Simms
Drake Ct. road repair bid
Contract for snow plowing from Wyatt
Secretary Report | Andrea Swenson
V. Reports of special committees:
CC&Rs Report | Veris Simms
Governing Document Committee
Firewise Committee Chair Report | Veris Simms (interim) Committee Chair
Firewise meeting report.
Firewise Douglass Ranch Wildfire Mitigation Survey
VI. Unfinished business : none
VII. New business :
Community communications
Board function is to facilitate community communications.( i.e. community news and updates)